HOORAY FOR ME! I finally have a fucking BLARRG like millions of other narcissistic idiots out there...

I will be filling it with all sorts of nonsense that I personally find amusing, disgusting, entertaining and most likely a little boring. I may even use it as a platform to subject you to my personal artwork, just like EVERY other miserable, aspiring artist out there in internet land. I can't guarantee that it will be an enjoyable experience for you - what I CAN guarantee is that it won't change the world in anyway shape or form.

In fact, I feel kinda sorry for you for stumbling onto this little speck on the World Wide Web, with millions of BLOGS and PORN WEBSITES vying for your precious time, you're wasting it here reading dopey shit. GO AWAY! Do something productive...make a sandwich, build a blanket fort, sit on the toilet and actually read a BOOK...Christ, do anything but hang around here.

That being said, if you have accidentally stumbled onto this site, feel free to poke around and make a comment or two if so inclined. Maybe I'll respond...or not, depends on my mood that day.

I look forward to wasting your time. -KEMO

Sunday, August 7, 2022

I thought I'd do a quick post about one of my favorite artists: Edward Gorey https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Gorey, only because I 'stumbled' upon a stack of his books while searching for something else in my studio...and it brought back all of those 'feels' so I started to look through my collection and it reminded me of how I discovered him in 1983, actually it was my Dutch Grandmother (Oma) who discovered him at Waldenbooks in the mall, of all places. Remember this was before the internet and Amazon-the olden days. Well, my grandmother fed my addiction for books, every special occasion (birthdays, holidays, etc.) or the simple spoiling of her eldest grandchild...it was great. 

My mind was fucking blown when she presented me with this $5 soft cover collection of stories from a guy called Edward Gorey, because she thought the pictures were 'nice' and thought I'd appreciate it since I wanted to be an artist/cartoonist. 

This book immediately began something that continues to this day, the collecting of every Goddamn Edward Gorey book I can get my hands on. But it didn't officially start until I went college in Philadelphia the following year and stumbled into a used bookstore on Walnut Street called Hubbard's. It was there on a table in the front of the register that I saw my favorite Gorey Story as part of a 3 book collection called The Vinegar Works that was selling for $20 (a lot of fucking money in 1985, when you're going to art school). But I soon realized it was because the 3 books were signed, and at that moment I decided I'd be eating Raman & Philly Street Pretzels for the week. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. 

My first Edward Gorey purchase was a 3 book collection SIGNED by the author, including my favorite (at that time) The Gashleycrumb Tinies!

So I thought I'd post it for the few people that have never seen it...it's glorious.

Absolutely BRILLIANT! A perfect marriage of image and text.

Since that purchase AND my Grandmother's foresight, I have amassed a collection of 32 signed books-and I continue to hunt for more. The curse of the 'collector gene.'

A few of my other Edward Gorey books That I recommend if you're interested in reading about the man.

And here's the AMAZING poster for the Gorey Documentary (which I own)

....and a few shitty photos of my Halloween costume from 1991, when I came to Los Angeles and was working on Batman Returns. My costume was low budget as hell-quick and dirty rubber mask that I sculpted and foam core cut outs that hung around my waist...and a Top Hat that was too small, I should have sculpted it as one piece with the goofy skull mask, but because it was a last minute thang I made due with what was available. 

I'm such a fucking dork.



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