a Benefit Auction for Planned Parenthood
Let the PANIC begin! What the HELL am I gonna do with this Phantom figure?! It's always exciting to be asked to contribute to an event like this, with such an incredible group of talented people, but it's also a little unnerving. You don't want to be THAT guy that stands out for creating a piece of shit or one bids on your masterpiece.
THAT's a royal kick in the nuts and does wonders for your precious, fragile artistic ego. So, I'll probably spend a week or two mulling over a dozen or so options and then at the last possible moment, choose an idea and blast through it, second guessing myself the entire time... redoing & fixing it along the way. Nothing but good times ahead folks!
There is nothing more reassuring than the look of panic in an Artist's eyes as he begins his next masterpiece...fuck me.
Well, while I mull over the countless ways to screw up this project, I may as well start with the boring shit...the PREP WORK. This little plastic wonder needs to be scrubbed clean of any and all grease/oils that may be on him from the manufacturing process down in Mexico. So into a tub of warm and soapy water he goes for his bath!
I give him a quick scrub with an old toothbrush and rinse him off.
If you look close you can see a dirty film in the need to get that crap off, so your paint will adhere to the figure without any issues. Rinse with clean water and let dry... I usually let it air dry. Once fully dry, it's time to primer..yay.
I like to use TAMIYA Grey Surface Primer for this sort of project. It sticks to plastic really well, and goes on thin and dries quickly. You don't get a thick heavy coat (which obliterates fine details) or pronounced drips-which can be a bitch to deal with.
So, I give this guy 2 light coats of primer, and it accentuates all the little defects and flashing that needs to be taken care of before I start painting.
I may fill in these injection holes.
Overall, he's not too bad. I just need to clean up the parting line and remove some minor flashing etc. Nothing an X-acto or sandpaper can't fix... then I can start painting. If I ever decide what the hell I'm going to do.