HOORAY FOR ME! I finally have a fucking BLARRG like millions of other narcissistic idiots out there...

I will be filling it with all sorts of nonsense that I personally find amusing, disgusting, entertaining and most likely a little boring. I may even use it as a platform to subject you to my personal artwork, just like EVERY other miserable, aspiring artist out there in internet land. I can't guarantee that it will be an enjoyable experience for you - what I CAN guarantee is that it won't change the world in anyway shape or form.

In fact, I feel kinda sorry for you for stumbling onto this little speck on the World Wide Web, with millions of BLOGS and PORN WEBSITES vying for your precious time, you're wasting it here reading dopey shit. GO AWAY! Do something productive...make a sandwich, build a blanket fort, sit on the toilet and actually read a BOOK...Christ, do anything but hang around here.

That being said, if you have accidentally stumbled onto this site, feel free to poke around and make a comment or two if so inclined. Maybe I'll respond...or not, depends on my mood that day.

I look forward to wasting your time. -KEMO

Friday, February 17, 2023

JUNKIN', PICKIN', DIGGIN' & THRIFTIN' with my 'Better Half'

Well, I have officially reached that age where I experience great enjoyment in spending my weekends in dirty, filthy and sometimes, REALLY foul smelling establishments, searching through other people's discarded treasures for that one special item that makes the hair on my neck stand straight up...pleading to come home with me.

Recently, we went to one of our favorite haunts in Simi Valley, California called FISHY FINDS. It's the kind of place to go if you like to 'dig'. Be prepared to spend some time there...and don't go if you're claustrophobic like me....

I usually bring VLAD along for  these types of excursions, to keep me company/entertained while my wife goes off on her adventure...

My goal, during these outings with the wife, is to find books-mainly books about art or vintage children's picture books. When I find one, I usually get all tingly in my naughty bits.

VLAD was all excited because he thought he found a six pack...but unfortunately the bottles were empty. He was kind of pissed.

Luckily, we found some full bottles of 'vintage' liquor so he was happy..But he drank a little too much and passed out on top of some LINCOLN LOGS, so I left him there for awhile and did some diggin'.

Being part-Greek, VLAD has a 'thing' for Lamb...and it's kiss, woke his sorry ass REAL quick...if you get my meaning.

VLAD was beginning to piss me off. He was constantly getting himself into, let's just say,"inappropriate situations'. I was afraid we were gonna be banned from the store. The little prick can't hold his liquor, and shit like this always seems to happen! 

He couldn't find a lampshade that would fit, so he opted for some horns instead..he thought he was sooo damn funny.

He begged me to buy this box...he said it would be a perfect place to store my collection of vintage New England Postcards. I told him to stop being such a little prick, and to shut the hell up.

What I really wanted to buy, were these Clown Candles! NOT so much for the candles, (even though they were cool as hell) but for the packaging! I LOVE vintage packaging, the weirder the better. Let's face it, this had it all. Creepy Clown art AND the actual candles!

Unfortunately, I didn't buy them. WE were going to other places that day, including my favorite used book store, so I decided to hang onto my money...But if it's still there next time, it's coming home with me! I just need to find the perfect spot in my office/studio.....amongst all the other shit, crammed in there!


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